This is the story of Lars Windhorst, a racy financier with nine lives. Once a wunderkind of German business, dubbed the German Bill Gates, Windhorst survived a plane crash and has lost then rebuilt his fortune several times over. It's also the story of Bruno Crastes, the French finance star, whose investment firm, H2O Asset Management, seemingly put over €2bn into Windhorst’s ventures before it all came crashing down, destroying hundreds of millions of investors' money In this film, Windhorst gives his own account of some of his biggest scandals – from earning a criminal conviction to being blamed for instigating a smear campaign against a football club boss – as the FT asks: where did all the money go? #finance #scandal #spies #bonds #trading #investors #investment #larswindhorst #brunocrastes #h2oassermanagement #tennorgroup #sapinda #kpmg #natixis #caceisbank #nathanielrothschild #superyachts #spies #herthaberlin #football 00:00 Introduction 02:13 The rise and fall of Lars, the wunderkind of German business 05:30 A corporate survivor and a plane crash survivor 06:25 Mayfair and the superyacht 08:28 Bruno and H2O 10:23 The shell game 12:36 A turning point for H2O 14:24 Questions about money laundering 17:54 The investigation 20:29 Bruno runs into the Covid crash 21:59 The case against H2O 23:59 Billions of investors' money up in smoke 24:48 Israeli spies and Hertha Berlin 27:23 Nathaniel Rothschild backs Lars 28:29 Where did the money go? See if you get the F |
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